5 Ways To Restart Your Bad Day

4 min readAug 21, 2018


  • Wish you could start over again
  • Did not achieve what you wanted that particular day
  • Your mind starts to think negative thoughts and everything you do or touch becomes negative.

When faced with these types of days we need to be able to recognize what is happening and do something about it. We need to quickly react and hit a reset button on those days in order to put a stop to the negative thoughts and attitude. We need to learn to come back strong, wiser, and ready to start again with a fresh new mindset. Many times it is how we respond to these bad days that make a difference in how we recover and start anew the next day. Here are five steps that we could take in order to reset our attitude.

Remember we are all human, and all of us are bound to have bad days, this is just reality. We’re going to make mistakes, put our foot in our mouth, make a wrong decision, or say something that we will regret. We cannot stop making these mistakes from time to time. When these things happen we cannot dwell on them. We need to learn to forgive ourselves and move on.

Count your blessings, even if they seem few and far between right now. Think of all the things that you should be thankful for each and every day. From the small things like the food you had for breakfast this morning, to the roof you have over your head at night, you need to be thankful for what we do have.

It does not matter what your situation is, there is always someone else out there that has a worse situation than yours. If you would like to hear my experiences drop me a note and I will be glad to fill you on what I have been through and seen.

Changing your mood is something that many of us need to do daily. There are several useful ways to change your mood from bitter to calm in order to get yourself back on track.

  • Listen to joyful music
  • Change your negative talk
  • Eat lunch with a friend that will make you laugh
  • Talk to a close friend or relative that will listen to you vent
  • Read positive quotes

If you find yourself in a situation that is sucking the life out of you, take a break and relax and release the tension that is built up in your body. Unfortunately, some people tend to keep all this tension built up in their bodies, this will only hurt you both physically and mentally. You must master letting go of this tension so it will not destroy your inner self.

Learn to prioritize tasks for your day. A recipe for a disastrous day is being bogged down with too many tasks. First thing in the morning setup your day with a schedule, figure out what are your major priorities and work your way down the list to the trivial task.

Remember you only have a set amount of time in a day. Do not let items that will frustrate you and eat up your valuable time on your schedule if they are not a major priority. You are the only person that can control your time.

Leave negative emotions behind you. I have found in my years that negativity is extremely contagious. When you have a bad day at work it can easily follow you home and affect the whole family. When walking out the door at work you need to lock your negative emotions in the office and not drag them home with you.

When you arrive at home and you need to decompress you may have to ask your family to give you a little space to relax and unwind. It does not hurt to let your family know that your day was bad, most of the time your family will give you the space you need to relax. Just don’t isolate yourself, after you catch your breath connect with those around you and let them know that you love them.

Treat your body as a kingdom. Always make sure that you are eating and drinking the correct things for your body. Remember your body is a temple; just make sure it stays healthy and strong. Stay clear of numbing your emotions with things or substances that lead to bad tendencies. Instead, occasionally treat yourself to something nice. Most people will reward themselves when something good happens to them. This concept is to treat yourself with something nice when you have a rotten day. The idea is to turn your negative mood into a positive mood.

Originally published at http://door-to-success.com on August 21, 2018.



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