Are You Living A Life With No Regrets

5 min readJun 18, 2019


Are You Living A Life With No Regrets

Many people go through life never seeing their dreams become reality.

Living a life without regret is what we all desire isn’t it? This question I have pondered many times and I also ask what am I on this earth for? I worked hard all my life, made lots of sacrifices, and as my years are running out I still have many missed opportunities and many desires. There are things I have not done, places I have not seen, and decisions that I’ve have failed to make. So is my life full of regrets

? I guess I would have to say yes.

I know that we cannot look behind us and in the end, we cannot accomplish everything that we desire. But it would be nice to at least say we have given it our best shot.


is revolving around us faster and faster as our days are fading away. The question is how do we go about living a life with less regret? Each and every one of us has dreams

, aspirations, and passions but we have obstacles that get in the way that keeps us from reaching these dreams.

Related article: Dealing with “I will be happy when” syndrome

Here are some questions that you need to ask yourself to confirm what is your purpose.

What do you have a burning desire for in life?

I look at this question and think, is the profession that you have right now meeting that burning desire that is in you? Most people spend most of their life working a job that they hate. If you truly do not want to go to your grave missing out on your burning desire then you need to make a drastic change in your life and your profession.

So, ask yourself, what is your burning desire, what do you really want to accomplish in life? For many, it maybe owning your own business, travel around the world, be involved in mission work, or maybe helping others through having a charity. Whatever it is that you personally want to accomplish you can do it. Don’t let others tell you that you can’t. With today’s technology and resources, you can break the chains that are holding you back. You must believe that you can and get out of your comfort zone and take the first step to reach that burning desire that is built up in you.

Who are the most important people in your life?

We were not put here on this earth to be loners. Everyone is to have a meaningful relationship with others. Our fears must not keep us bound, we must run from these fears or we will never be able to enjoy the fruits of life with the people we desire most.

You may be living under the same roof as your spouse but you are afraid to talk to your spouse about your desires and passions. Many couples feel that they are on this journey alone because they are afraid to confide in their spouse. Too often we do not act on our desires because we keep these desires hidden within our hearts and never share them with your best friend, your spouse. If you feel that you are walking the path alone then it may be time to step away from your fears and share your desires with your better half.

Out of all the places on earth where is your most desired location to live?

It is amazing how many people feel trapped in living where they feel comfortable all the while they have a yearning to live in a place of their dreams. Many of my ancestors lived in the cold and snowy plains of Northern Illinois, not because they wanted too but because they had a job that they provided food and a roof over their heads. They were comfortable. My immediate family, we were tired of the cold and snow and we wanted to live where we could enjoy the outside year round, so we moved to Florida. Our other family members thought we were nuts but we followed our dreams and made the change. We never regret the move.

Where you live is a huge part of being happy. With today’s open job markets and technology opening the doors to work from anywhere they live, why not make the move and live where you have a burning desire to live.

You may not be able to pack a truck and move tomorrow, do some research and take steps to make your dreams become a reality.


Take a look at your life now, are you really doing what you have a passion for, and with the people that are most important to you in your life end are you at the place that you most desire, if you can answer yes to those three questions you are living your dream.

If you answered no to this question then you need to revisit your dreams and desires and start working to make a change in at least one of these areas in your life this year. Don’t be like the norm and go to your grave with the regret of not at least trying to make a change.

Don’t live your life regretting yesterday. Live your life so tomorrow you won’t regret today. Catherine Pulsifer

What are your passions and desires? We would love to hear from you.



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