Curing Insecurity In Your Life

6 min readSep 14, 2019


Curing Insecurity In Your Life

Insecurity In Your Life Is Blocking You From Being Happy

One emotion that many we struggle with and that is insecurity. This insecurity is holding us back from enjoying many of the good things that life has in store for us because we are either embarrassed or afraid of something. Each one of us knows that we have areas in our lives that we could improve but it takes courage to face these fears.

Depending on the situation but one could use their insecurity to motivate them into making a change. For me it was public speaking, I had such strong insecurity to talk from a podium or stage that I would break out in a flood of sweat just thinking about speaking to the public. I wanted to get over this fear and insecurity that I ran and won a public office seat in our city. This motivated me to face my insecurity and defeat it.

You need to face your insecurity

But the issue is, that many people will not face their insecurity head-on and defeat the issue but they let the insecurity build in them and drive themselves to run and hide. In my case I hid for a good part of my life from doing anything that caused me to be in front of people, I was always called the best person behind the scenes. I enjoyed the accolades but I was missing out on so much more in life that I wanted to enjoy just because I felt inadequate to be in the spotlight.

The simple truth is, most people are being held back something that they feel inadequate about and insecurity is stopping them from enjoying all the fruits on the vine.

What areas of insecurity are you suffering from? For me, it was public speaking which stemmed from my childhood days. No matter what your issue is, appearance, behavior, social status, know that there is help for you.

Negativity in our lives causes insecurity.

When digging deep into someone’s psyche we can find many things that affect how we view ourselves and what we focus on. Most of the time we totally focus on negative items. We set ourselves up to fail even before we even begin this battle over insecurity.

Human nature and self-awareness give us the foundation to build our goals, and dreams and our aspirations. It takes these goals and dreams to keep us motivated and reaching for the stars. But when we don’t reach these goals this can cause us to self-destruct and become insecure. We begin to compare ourselves to others and look for the flaws in our lives, we take these flaws and build on them until we find ourselves with sever negative complex about ourselves.

Depression and anxiety in today’s culture seem to be the number one health-related issue on the planet. Suicide amongst all walks of life has skyrocketed over the past 10 to 20 years. How we view our life and ourselves has forced our society to self-destruct. Insecurity is one of the top emotions that causes depression and anxiety.

What do we do to curb this hopelessness that is attacking each and every-one of us?

For me, it was a simple little exercise called meditation. I needed to stop focusing on my negativity and turn to begin focusing on the positive aspects of my life.

I have found through my research that people that meditate on a daily basis stop focusing on their negative and selfish desires and let go of the evil thoughts that consume our lives. We will always have negativity in our lives, we are only human. But we do not need to be consumed by these thoughts but replace them with peaceful happy thoughts that motivate us into being happy.

It has been so easy over the years to be convinced that we are less than what we are, we must stop being tricked by television and society in believing this and convince our minds and souls that we were made for a reason and that we all have a purpose in this life. In knowing that we do have a purpose it will give us the confidence we need to build our self-esteem and boost our motivation.

Here are some ideas that can help to boost your self-confidence

Be grateful, did you know that by regularly expressing gratitude can change the molecular complexity of the brain. By this happening, it makes us both healthier and happier in life. Even the simple task of just thinking about how you could be grateful sparks brain activity critical to sleep, mood regulation and metabolism.

So in order to boost your self-esteem try working on your meditation, it only takes a few minutes every day to meditate, take some time now and think of the things you are grateful for and follow that up with some good ole fashion meditation.

Let’s walk through some of the steps to make meditation happen.

Locate a quiet place that you know you will not be interrupted.
Relax your muscles and breathe calmly.
Slowly breath in and out, visualize good thoughts entering your body as you breathe in and visualize negative items one you exhale.
Continue this breathing technique for several minutes. Focus mentally on good thoughts and vibes. Mentally focus on the stars and universe as you do your breathing techniques.

Picture Gratitude and Greatness

Take some quiet time for yourself in silence and take a look at your past and focus only on the good of the past. Stay away from negative thoughts and do not let them invade your sub-conscience.
Dream about who and what you would like to be. Picture yourself in that happy place and look for opportunities in your life that could open the door for you to one day enter that place.
If you have a big project of something that is making you anxious and scared, take a break from these emotions and visualize yourself having the confidence to defeat this obstacle.

Other things we can do to help with motivation and building your self-confidence.

Here are a few things that you can do to make a boost in yourself and overcome your insecurity.
Reward yourself with something nice once in a while. Rewarding yourself when you deserve it will help to make you feel good but and this will help motivate to be a winner again.
Make some small changes in your life to make you a better person. This could be anything from getting out of the house and taking a walk, or stop eating garbage food and eat superfoods in order to boost your meditation. You have the power to make a change, but start small and work towards larger goals.
Be Grateful, by doing something nice for someone else. By you showing your gratitude to someone else and paying it forward this will create the karma to come back to you one-day.


If most people would admit it, insecurity is the number one emotion that is affecting everyone negatively. If I was a betting man each one of us has one or more areas in our lives that we suffer from insecurity. Hopefully, there were some items in this article that you can use to help heal you from this crippling problem.



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