In the midst of this ongoing pandemic, the world is grappling with heightened levels of anxiety and fear. Pharmaceutical companies are reaping immense profits from the widespread prescription of anti-anxiety medications by medical practitioners. Presently, we find ourselves in one of the most unsettling phases of our lives, and the path ahead appears daunting.
The COVID-19 pandemic is underscoring the urgent need to bolster investments in mental health services. Neglecting this imperative could lead to an exponential surge in mental health disorders in the coming months, as highlighted in a recent policy brief by the United Nations addressing COVID-19’s impact on mental health.
Necessary Investments to Avert a Mental Health Crisis: Insights from Alison Brunier
The Struggle with Anxiety
Anxiety, coupled with pessimism and fear, casts a suffocating shadow over our lives. If left untreated, these emotions can trigger some of the gravest health complications and, in extreme cases, even death. The consequences of anxiety encompass a range of ailments, including coronary heart disease, stroke, depression, suicide, and panic attacks.
Even prior to the pandemic, anxiety ranked among the top 12 leading causes of mortality. I can personally relate to individuals grappling with anxiety as I have battled this affliction for over three decades. Dating back to my childhood, I confronted this debilitating condition. Simple tasks like speaking in class, reading aloud, participating in recess, or engaging in sports induced paralyzing dread. This torment persisted throughout my academic journey and extended well into adulthood.
Upon completing high school and entering adulthood, a pervasive fear gripped me, precipitating constant flirtation with panic attacks. I despised my existence and often wished for its termination. The culmination of these struggles arrived when I lost my job and found myself unemployed — a development that pushed me to my breaking point. Confronted with joblessness, a modest education, and a family to support, I felt utterly powerless.
My Transition from Anxiety
Our family’s relocation back to Florida, facilitated by the support of relatives, marked the genesis of my personal transformation. While anxiety still lingered, I discovered a circle of friends in our close-knit community who steered me towards a much-needed metamorphosis. Through a serendipitous encounter, I was introduced to an unconventional psychologist who swiftly discerned the core of my struggles. It was at this juncture that a glimmer of hope emerged, as this enigmatic psychologist began to reshape my anxiety-riddled, pessimism-laden existence.
As mentioned earlier, anxiety had long been my unwelcome companion. The mere act of seeking therapy was an agonizing endeavor. Yet, these sessions with the enigmatic psychologist gradually unveiled a profound truth: the collective consciousness grapples with identical fears, concerns, and vices that can stifle vitality. What distinguishes us is our approach to managing these challenges, shaping our lives in unique ways within society’s tapestry.
Since embarking on this therapeutic journey, I succeeded in disentangling myself from the fetters that had enslaved me. Liberated, I chased my aspirations and dreams, boldly pursuing the items on my bucket list.
Life Beyond Anxiety
To be clear, anxiety, fear, and worry still occasionally infiltrate my life. However, armed with coping mechanisms, I now confront them head-on. Post-transformation, I attained a bachelor’s degree in business and a master’s degree in healthcare. These accomplishments propelled me up the corporate ladder in a customer-centric corporation. I even secured an elected position within our county, participating in numerous advisory boards. Among my proudest feats is addressing large audiences, a feat once inconceivable. While not devoid of challenges, I persist in battling my fears and demons.
I no longer permit fear and worry to dictate my trajectory. Instead, I engage them directly, propelling myself forward. Through this, I expand my comfort zone and fortify my self-assurance, empowering myself to undertake audacious ventures. Concurrently, I realize goals on my bucket list, transforming dreams into reality.
“Action, not thought, overcomes fear.” — W. Clement Stone, American entrepreneur and philanthropist.
In Conclusion
Remember this: if anxiety, fear, or worry shackle your progress, recognize them as obstacles, not reasons to stall. They are adversaries you must confront, surmount, and conquer to mature and evolve. This demands a resolute struggle, pushing beyond comfort zones, even when it feels as though life is crumbling. It is precisely in these crucibles that transformation occurs, paving the path toward your aspirations.
As we navigate the current pandemic-fueled era of anxiety and fear, the manner in which you address these emotions rests squarely in your hands. The most potent approach is to embrace challenges and fears with open arms, persisting on your journey. Your destiny and dreams beckon, awaiting your courageous response.