Start Practicing Emotional Intelligence In Order To Be A Stronger Person.

5 min readApr 21, 2019


If you are looking to be a stronger and more stable person, one sure fire way is to expand your emotional intelligence.

Emotional Intelligence “EI” came on the scene back in 1995 when Daniel Goleman authored a book on this subject that brought emotional intelligence to the world.

The definition of EI is:

(as first advanced by researchers Peter Salovey — current President of Yale University — and John Mayer, but popularized by author Daniel Goleman in his seminal, eponymous book) is the ability to:

“Recognize, understand and manage our own emotions. In practical terms, this means being aware that emotions can drive our behavior and impact people (positively and negatively), and learning how to manage those emotions — both our own and others — especially when we are under pressure.”

Researchers have spent many years diving into this world of emotional intelligence, they have come to find that emotional intelligence is a very important key in setting apart top performers from the rest of the group. A person that is emotionally intelligent is able to control his or her emotions and is totally aware of their own emotional state. Not only are they in-tune with their own emotional feelings but they can sense and identify how others emotions are controlling or manipulating their lives.

You may be asking, what does emotional intelligence look like to us?

Here are some practical signs or qualities that a person shows when they have a high sense of emotional intelligence.

A person that has a quality of Self Awareness.

This person is in touch with their inner feelings and able to understand themselves. Being self-aware they’re able to see and accept themselves for who they are and they know how their emotions and actions affect the people that they come in contact with.

Confident and Optimistic

Being optimistic and confident in yourself are true qualities of a person with a high EI. These people see that there is a silver lining in every cloud, they believe when one door closes another will open and when life hands them lemons they make lemonade. An optimistic person has total control over their attitude. A person with a high EI wake and live each day with a positive attitude. By being in control of their thought life they’re able to avoid being enslaved by negative emotions.

Those who are empathetic, otherwise known as “empaths,” are like sponges when it comes to human emotions. They feel everything that other beings do…

A person that can feel the pain and frustrations of others can feel and show emotions to those same people. Emphatic people stop and listen to others that are talking and they engage without being distracted.

You don’t have to agree with what everyone is saying but people with a high EI will listen and try to understand what is being said.

Appreciation and Gratitude

A person that shows signs of having high EI will show appreciation to their teammates or employees and friends. Passion is contagious, so by demonstrating your ability to be grateful for what you have will draw people to follow you and learn to be appreciative for what they have. Appreciation goes a long way, people in your sphere of influence that feel appreciated will be better workers or friends.

Embrace and Welcome Change

Changes in peoples lives can be difficult and hard to fathom. A person that possesses a high EI has the ability to regulate their emotions and anger. They learn how to stay in control even when changes around them are taking place. Their characteristic is to embrace change and be an example of someone with a positive attitude even through the difficult time of change. It’s very hard to do this in most cases, a person that has the ability to weather change with a positive attitude can be a person that is meant to be a leader.

Individuals that are high EI’s make fantastic mentors. These are people that love to help others that are in need or are having a difficult time. High EI individuals have this burning desire to help others to be successful just like themselves. High EI people never look at what is in it for them, they just have a passion for helping those that are in need.

Deep Thinkers / Analytical Thinkers

Most people will say something before they think it through. An EI person will take a breath, pause and think about their response before they speak. When an EI person receives new information they will analyze the information then process this information and put the information into a logical scenario. An analytical person is always looking to improve their mind and always open to new ideas.

Everyone has done things that are not good in their lives, including intelligent people. In order to move on in life, there is a time to be able to forgive and forget about those bad moments. This could be something at home that is personal or it could be someone or something that has happened at work. Whatever it is you need to walk away from it and forgive and put it behind you. Forgiveness release stored up anger and bitter emotions, having these negative emotions only cause negative energy to build up in your body and soul.

What is authenticity? The dictionary defines authenticity as the quality of being genuine or not corrupted from the original. People with high EI mostly say what they mean and what they believe is true. In order to be authentic, we need to find out who we truly are and what our gifts and passions are and put those gifts and passions to work.

Emotional intelligence is not a thing that we can purchase over the internet. Everyone is born with emotions but not everyone uses their emotions for good. Many people use emotions to hurt people, take advantage of situations, and manipulate others. In order to be a person that possesses high EI it takes work and practice to take the emotions that we have and use them for good. When this is done you are able to build better relationships, make deeper friendships with others and be able to control your anger and disappointments. Key leaders around the world have been able to tap into this great knowledge and power in order to be a stronger and more successful individual.

Originally published at on April 21, 2019.



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