I do this every day, and if you can, you should too.
One of the most valuable pieces of advice I’ve received is to dedicate time to my side hustle during my 5:30 am to 6 pm job. Some might argue that this approach is unfair to my employer, but in truth, I find myself with a surplus of available time, as I’ll explain.
Regrettably, the company you work for may not prioritize your well-being, personal life, or work-life balance. Corporations tend to focus solely on maximizing your output and their profits.
If you find the opportunity to engage in tasks such as writing, editing, making calls, scheduling appointments, or even pursuing personal hobbies like baking cupcakes during your work hours, it’s worth considering.
As for myself, I serve as a salaried executive, investing around 60 to 80 hours per week. You might wonder how I manage to accommodate a side hustle within this demanding schedule. The truth is, within those 60 to 80 hours, I encounter periods of downtime at work that allow me to pursue my side hustle without detracting from my primary responsibilities. As I craft this article, I’m seated at my office desk during working hours. Since I’m not compensated for these additional hours beyond the standard workweek, I don’t experience any guilt about dedicating time to my side hustle during this period.
I want to emphasize that my primary job always takes precedence. Before engaging in any side hustle activities, I ensure that all my essential tasks are completed. My role necessitates my presence at the office from 5:30 am to 6:00 pm, six days a week. Contrary to what might seem like a 12-hour workday, the core tasks I need to accomplish typically consume around 3 hours. The remaining 40 to 50 hours often get consumed by managerial meetings, browsing platforms like TikTok and Facebook, engaging in casual conversations with colleagues, and idly passing time in my office while gazing at my computer screen.
Despite being paid for 40 hours weekly, the salaried nature of my job obliges me to extend these hours unnecessarily, even when my core responsibilities are fulfilled within a shorter timeframe.
This rationale underpins my lack of guilt when it comes to pursuing my side hustle during my official work hours. If you find yourself in a similar situation, there’s no reason for you to harbor guilt either.
Why do I continue with my current job? Much like many individuals in the United States, I’m somewhat captive due to the benefits my job provides — especially healthcare coverage. Taking the leap to abandon my primary job feels daunting, especially given the current economic climate and the ongoing pandemic.
Here in the United States, healthcare expenses are exorbitant. As I approach my 60s, the cost of medical procedures and medications could potentially deplete a significant portion of my savings. For instance, just recently, I needed to refill a prescription, and with insurance, it amounted to $50. However, without prescription coverage tied to my major medical plan, the same medication would have incurred a cost exceeding $600.
My heart goes out to those in the United States who struggle to afford health insurance or adequate medical coverage. I’m acquainted with young families and senior citizens who can barely make ends meet due to steep medical bills and soaring prescription drug prices. These financial burdens can swiftly consume their earnings.
The reality is that corporations are largely indifferent to individual employees. Throughout my extensive experience in the corporate world, I’ve witnessed a shift wherein corporations opt to release loyal, long-serving employees to make way for younger individuals who can be employed at lower salaries. The corporation’s bottom line takes precedence over the welfare of employees and their families. If you’ve been with a corporation for an extended period, bear in mind that there are invariably numerous candidates vying for your role at any given time. Corporations are focused solely on generating profits. If they can replace you with a less expensive alternative, they’ll do so without hesitation.
Embracing Your Passions: Leaving a job can undoubtedly be a frightening prospect, and I empathize with that sentiment. However, if you’re able to nurture your passion while maintaining a full-time position — as I have done — it’s an avenue worth pursuing, and you needn’t carry guilt for it. When your side hustle begins yielding substantial returns, that could be the juncture to consider taking the leap.
Over the years, I’ve played a pivotal role in generating revenue for top corporate executives. With the insights I possess today, I realize that I could have extricated myself from the corporate world much earlier. Given the choice, I’d prefer to channel my efforts toward amassing wealth for myself rather than fueling corporate executives’ prosperity.
After years of arduous work, I find myself on the precipice of transitioning away from my current role and dedicating myself to my aspirations. I encourage each of you to make the most of your time, fostering your side hustle while still employed.
Don’t hesitate to pursue your dreams and passions, especially if you’re in the early stages of your career. Instead of perpetually padding the wallets of corporate magnates who profit from your toil, strive to earn what you rightfully deserve while indulging in work that you ardently love.