Your Personality Needs To Match Your Career

4 min readOct 5, 2019


Your Personality Needs To Match Your Career

If you want to be successful in this life you have to follow your passion, not a paycheck — Jen Welter

What is your personality type?

The first time I read this I kept asking myself, what is my passion? How can I give up my job and follow my passion when I have no clue what my passion really is? It was not till later that after I had done research on personality types that this all came together.

Finding out what your personality is and how this can align with your job is the answer. As Confucius

states, “Find a job you love, and you will never work another day in your life”. The idea is, first find out what type of personality type you are. The reason for this is simple if you love to talk and are not afraid of people you would probably make a good salesperson. Myself, I am an introvert, I love to do research and write, I hate sales and I cannot stand being in the same room as a salesperson. This is why you need to know what personality you truly are in order to find a job that aligns with your personality.

The first personality test

that I took was back in college. This opened a whole new door for me to really get a true understanding of myself and my personality. The test I too was the famous Myers-Briggs indicator test. This test is very popular and many colleges and psychologists use this test in their studies of the human personality.

This test along with many others ask a series of questions to the test taker and depending on how you answer these questions the test will label you to one of sixteen different personality types.

This link will help shed some light on what the 4 and 16 personality types mean, MBTIonline

Let’s take a look at some of these personality traits to get a better understanding of how this all fits together.

Introvert & Extrovert

The introvert

in today’s society is considered to be shy and a loner but in reality, an introvert is more comfortable with the inner world of thoughts and feelings, so they will see the world in terms of how it affects them.

Now and extrovert is classified as to be outgoing and a social butterfly. The extrovert feels more at home with the world of objects and other people and is more concerned with their impact upon the world.

For an introvert, the ideal career would be computer programmer, writer, accountant, researcher, someone that works in the information technology field.

Related Article: Life With An INFJ Personality

For an extrovert

, the ideal career would be sales, real estate, public relations, politics, or a head hunter (human resources).

These two personalities are the most common but they are not the only two that are out there. Here is a list of 6 other types of personalities, realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional.

Realistic: The realistic is a person that is comfortable with working with his or her hands. This usually means that they love working on machines and with tools of some sort. Another career option would be in the automotive industry.

Investigative: The investigative person loves working in the field of science. They are problem solvers but they do not like being in a supervisory role or have anything to do with sales.

Artistic: This person loves taking care of people or pets. They would be good at being an instructor or a caregiver. This person would not like a career with working with their hands.

Social: The social person loves to teach others or being a healthcare person. They are comfortable in a mechanics role or working in a zoo.

Enterprising: The enterprising person is good at being a supervisor or they also make good salespeople.

Conventional: These personalities work well as accountants or with teaching. They need to have structure in their life in order to be comfortable with what they do.

Related Article: Being An Introvert Can Be Wonderful


Having this information on the type of personality can help you in choosing the correct career path for you. There are many online personality tests to choose from. Find a test that feels comfortable to you and at your leisure take an online test and find out what career best fits your personality.

To be successful, the first thing to do is fall in love with your work.
— Sister Mary Lauretta



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